
Due to the current pandemy, the school is postponed to July, 10-22, 2021, and will be held at the Université des Sciences et Techniques Houari Boumédiène, in Algiers.


This cross-disciplinary school aims, first, at bringing mathematically-minded students towards applications, mostly in biology ; and, second, at starting a collaboration between the biology and mathematic departments of the host university, in the form of joint research and joint advising of master and Ph.D. Students. 

The first week will consist of 

-two theoretical courses (A. Kessi and Ph. Thieullen), aimed at providing students with the required notions in mathematical biology, differential equations and dynamical systems, such as stability, bifurcation, perturbation theory, coupled systems, ergodic optimization

-and an applied course (S. Lefnaoui) where optimization is the main mathematical keyword.

The second week will feature advanced courses aimed at introducing the students to the research problems, all of which have an applied flavour : to ecology in T. Sari's course, biology in T. Benzekri's, and S. Rebouh's courses. 

The afternoons will be devoted to problem-solving classes, under the supervision of the lecturers and graduate students, during the second week, and, during the first week, to computer simulations, in the university's computer labs, which are equipped with Matlab/Scilab, again under the lecturers' supervision. 

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